Welcome to BrotherHood!

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Welcome to the official BrotherHood Gang Forums, This Forums is a friendly environment.. Please no shit talking or you will be banned!

Who are we?:
We are a DarkRP Roleplay Gang known as BrotherHood. We are unstoppable and we are all experienced people in roleplay as we, us, the brothers united to forge a new group that will rule the streets of rp_downtown_v4c_v2 and other maps as we are the BrotherHood! We have loads of members and we have a couple of allies as we are still growing stronger.

How do i join?:
You can join the BrotherHood by applying by using the format template and filling out the information, You need to meet the requirements to join the BrotherHood as we are looking for advanced roleplayers that can take any challenge given to them. We are one of the best Roleplay groups that walk on the streets so unless you have proven yourself to us, then you will become a recruit of the gang.

What Servers do this gang play on?:
We play on multiple DarkRP servers but we usually play on Quantum Roleplay which we are known the most in, We do play other servers aswell but we mostly will be on Quantum as the gang was created and formed there.

What We Like To do?:

We normaly base however we raid.
People can hire us to raid people they dont like (min 50k).